Internet outdoors

I’m a big advocate for stepping outside, feeling the grass under your feet, and engaging in some good old face-to-face chats with fellow humans. Heck, I’m even toying with the idea of traveling without my phone—relying on trusty paper maps for navigation and dropping into local libraries to keep in touch with the fam. Crazy, right? Well, that’s the idea.
Now, before you call me a hypocrite, let me tell you this: I absolutely enjoy having Wi-Fi access in places you wouldn’t typically expect it. Right now, I’m typing out this post on a park bench in downtown Bellevue, WA. I initially brought my laptop intending to plunk down in a coffee shop, but the allure of this stunning park was too compelling. So, here I am, crafting words amid the lush greenery.
All around me, life is in full swing. Kids are having a blast, folks stroll with their strollers, and just ten feet away, a group of ducks bobs leisurely on a large pond. Beyond the water, people are spread out on a grassy expanse—some are picnicking, others immersed in books. This vibrant scene is set against the backdrop of Bellevue’s skyline, its towering structures standing testament to the city’s modern appeal.
Though Bellevue’s got its charm, it’s not my top pick in this region. I’m absolutely smitten with the quaint allure of Queen Anne, a neighborhood nestled in Seattle. Perched atop a hill, this vintage area offers unrivaled, unobstructed views of Puget Sound—it’s my little corner of paradise.
But, let’s swing back to my park bench in downtown Bellevue. The moment I popped open my laptop to start this blog, the Wi-Fi icon flickered to life, revealing an available network: BellevueConnect. How cool is that? The city of Bellevue offers free public Wi-Fi in the park, and I’m willing to bet it’s accessible throughout the rest of this fantastic city. And you know what? This connectivity doesn’t detract from the joys of being outdoors—at least not for me. I like to think I’ve mastered the art of soaking in the outdoors without letting tech intrude, and this scenario is no different. The convenience of Wi-Fi here in the park allows me to share this post with you without having to hunt down a coffee shop or wait till I’m back home.
Struggling to disconnect from your indoor workspace due to a lack of internet in the great outdoors? Check out your city’s website. You might find that they’ve got Wi-Fi ready and waiting in your local parks too. Our primary mission is to step outside; leaving the tech behind can wait. One small step at a time, we can nail it.
Stay connected.