Use your natural competitive advantage

We all know the story of the turtle and the rabbit. We know that the rabbit had a significant competitive advantage over the turtle. However, the moral of that story is not about competitive advantages; instead, it is about never underestimating a weaker opponent.
This post is about competitive advantage, and just like the rabbit, I’d like to think that we all have something in us that we can use to our advantage, that is, if we are self-aware and do not fall asleep on our laurels, the rabbit did.
Do you think you have a competitive advantage? Of course, you do; everyone does. The hard part is knowing what that is and then finding specific ways to use that advantage to help us progress in our lives.
A natural competitive advantage is, in my opinion, something that we can often do better than others, something that we naturally are attracted to it. Therefore, we are good at it.
During my professional experience, I realized that while I was not the best programmer, I was always good at communicating with people who weren’t technical, clients, partners, coworkers, etc. Having the ability to communicate equally with technical and non-technical people helped me find the answers I needed to do my job better. It also placed me in a good place as a bridge between non-technical people and other programmers like myself.
I am also very patient, and this has helped me over the years by allowing me to work on frustrating projects with frustrating people and do it without becoming cynical or upset. Patience is a significant advantage, especially since you have to be not only patient but receptive and often generous with your time. That is one of my natural competitive advantages.
Maybe you are a good teacher, a good writer, or are great at drawing; use it to your advantage. Find creative ways to do it, apply that hobby or skill to your professional tasks. You’ll be surprised how much of your abilities and even hobbies you can use for professional purposes.
Use your strengths as your natural competitive advantage. You do have them, and it’s just a matter of realizing it and putting them to work. Use your natural competitive advantage.